Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Latest News

Children added the happy colour of yellow to their uniform today to celebrate anti  bullying month in P1

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A pupil in Mrs Byrne’s P1 class, who is a type 1 diabetic, alongside his family took part in a sponsored walk to raise money and awareness in the fight against diabetes. He is most definitely is a superhero to us.


Giveaway Competition 

 Courtney McAdorey, a past pupil won £1000 for Sports Equipment. She now lives in Scotland but picked Hazelwood as she went there and her nieces and nephews go there now.  Mr McDaid the principal was absolutely delighted and so was Mrs Johnston our P.E coordinator who was very happy her budget had been increased. 
Thank you Courtney for your generosity.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Tomorrow is our last day before the Christmas Break.  It will be a non uniform day and we would encourage children to wear Christmas jumpers!

Also a reminder that school finishes for all children at 12 noon!  There will be school buses at this earlier time.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy & Peaceful New Year!


From all the Staff at Hazelwood Integrated Primary & Nursery School


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Once again thank you to all the parents/guardians who have donated fairy lights for our Woodland fairy Light Walk next Monday 18th December.  I currently have approximately 71 sets of lights.  If I could get 80, that would be terrific!  If you haven't already done so, you may consider dropping them into school.  Remember, I need only OUTDOOR BATTERY operated lights.

The long-range forecast is for a dry night next Monday 18th December.  I will confirm the date towards the end of this week.  We would rather not have this magical night in the rain, like we had recently.

The cost will be £2 per family and the money will be going towards equipment for our outdoor play area.  You can pay through Parentmail.  This is expected to be extremely  popular so book early!

Families may bring lanterns for this event, but please DO NOT bring torches!

The wood will be open from 4.40pm and close at approximately 5.40pm.

Mr McDaid (Principal)


I would like to thank all our families for turning out in such high numbers at our Christmas Craft Fair yesterday.

Our magnificent choir, our P2/P3 nativity pupils, Mr Quinn and Jackie Rainey, all helped add to what was a brilliant Christmas buzz at school.

Click here to see video.

A big thank you to our wonderful pupils and the staff at school who worked so hard to make the fantastic crafts that were on sale. Not a single craft was left and with the generosity of our parental contributions, meant we raised a fantastic £879.00 towards Key Stage 2 outdoor play equipment.

I would also like to thank you so much for the many fairy lights donated to the school for our Christmas fairy light trail in the wood. Currently we have about 50 sets of lights. I hope to get 70 to allow us to light up the wood for what we hope will be a really special event on Monday 18th December. So once again, if you have any BATTERY-OPERATED OUTDOOR LIGHTS that we could use, that will help make this event a truly magical experience, we would be very happy to accept them. Thank you as every for all your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder that on Friday the 1st of December (tomorrow), all students will be taking part in an event across all primary schools in Northern Ireland - Santa’s Daily Mile. The children will have the opportunity to run Santa’s route around the grotto themed Woodlands at school to celebrate the first day of December.

Could all children please come to school in a Christmas jumper and suitable shoes for running? If they would like, they may also bring a Santa hat!

Thank you!

Miss Nixon


Reminder of Traffic Access arrangements from Monday 13th November. Please see Parentmail if you have the app if not check out our Parentmail page here

Administering Medication:

Please take time to read our updated guidelines on the schools policy for administering medication within school. You will find this on the Parentmail app or here on our website.



Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you to all those parents/guardians who have supported the school with new traffic access arrangements beginning Monday 13th November 2023.

To improve the flow of traffic for families from Nursery to P2, I would ask that you collect from the school office your school access pass.   Please have this clearly displayed on your dashboard each morning.  I hope this will make your entry to school easier.

Only cars with this pass will be allowed access to the school.  If you have a blue mobility badge, this really should apply to your child and not the driver and therefore I would ask that your child also walks from the front gate, and you do not drive into the school grounds.

These passes are available for collection from the School Office from Monday 6th November.  I would ask that all Parents/Guardians of pupils from Nursery to P2 will have them displayed from Monday 13th November.

As a result of these changes traffic coming into the school grounds has been greatly reduced.  The punctuality of our pupils has greatly improved and the safety of our pupils while walking in the school every morning and afternoon has also been improved.

Thank you once again for your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)




Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder about the new bus timetable for the              Belfast morning Bus beginning on Monday 6th November 23

As a school we have been concerned about the late arrival of pupils travelling on the morning Belfast Translink bus.              Indeed, some parents shared my concerns also.

This should help ensure that the bus arrives on time.                It is really important that you check                                              how this new schedule affects you and your child.

This applies to the morning bus only .Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are any issues with this new schedule..

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Hazelwood Primary School (retimed school service)

Service No. 778

Location Time

Carr's Glen (Joanmount) 0828

Oldpark Rd (Oldpark Terrace, Co-op) 0833

Westland Road (Golf Course) 0835

Cavehill Road (Inver Avenue) 0836

North Circular Road 0838

Antrim Road (North Circular Road) 0839

Antrim Road (Salisbury Avenue) 0842

Antrim Road (Atlantic Avenue) 0846

via Duncairn Gardens,

North Queen Street (Mountcollyer) 0849

Shore Road (Lidl/Asda) 0851

Shore Road (Gray's Lane) 0855

Lower Whitewell (White City) 0857

Hazelwood Primary School 0900



Dear Parent/Guardian


Exciting News!

The Seesaw app is getting a fresh new icon.

On October 27


We wanted to keep you in the loop and share that on October 27th, 2023, Seesaw is launching an exciting new logo, app icon, and marketing website.                                                                                                                                         Don’t worry, everything inside the app will stay the same.

 How will this affect families?

We recommend families update the app which will be available from 27th October 2023 as soon as possible.


Please contact us if you have any problems with this new transition.





Fashion Show
27/03/2025 10:33 AM
Fashion Show

What a great night at our fashion show last night. All of the children were amazing, from the Comp`eres to the Choir and not to mention our very open susperstar models.

Thank you to all of you who came along to support our wonderful school. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

A huge thank you to Dunnes Stores for the clothes. 













Science Homework extension
26/03/2025 3:58 PM

Science Homework extension

Good Afternoon,

Science Homework extension

Thank you to those who have been working hard to complete and send in Science Investigations already.

Due to fashion show, science homework deadline has been extended.

Children have until Friday 4th April to complete and return to school.

If already completed children can send into school.

Thank you

Miss Scott

Hazelwood Fashion Show
26/03/2025 3:44 PM
Hazelwood Fashion Show

Hazelwood Fashion Show

Wednesday 26th MARCH @630PM

Parent Line Workshop
3/02/2025 12:00 AM
Parent Line Workshop

Parent Line Workshop

Worry To Wonder

18th Feb from 10am

Weather warning and school closure
23/01/2025 12:00 AM

The Education Minister Paul Givan has announced  - "A red weather warning has been issued for Storm Éowyn and the Education Authority has advised that all schools should close tomorrow"

The school and nursery will be closed on Friday 24th January 2025 due to this announcement.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are delighted that many more pupils are using our free Breakfast Club. This service is available to all our pupils and we would welcome more pupils.

Starting next week, we will have a special breakfast on Tuesday and Friday, when we will offer pancakes or waffles as well as cereal and juice.

If you would like your child to attend, please get in touch with Alison in the School Office.

Many thanks

Mr J McDaid (Principal)

HERO – Here, every day, ready and on time.


Each week the attendance in our school is monitored to find out which class is on target to win a cinema experience in their classroom.  The class with the highest level of school attendance in each key stage at the end of a month will enjoy popcorn and a movie in their classroom to celebrate being the top attenders.  Pupils can keep an eye on our HERO board to find out which lucky class will be the winners at the end of each month.  Good luck to everyone!


Attendance winners for September

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Working in partnership with Women’s Tec we were delighted to offer our mothers the opportunity to complete a DIY Woodwork course. The project’s aim was to make a stool from pallet wood. Our parents worked  for eight weeks  using a variety of tools and with lots of craic, tea and biscuits they are delighted with their achievements.

We are as proud of them as they are of their work.  This was so successful we hope to run another course for interested parents so watch this space!!

Remember, this is your school, be part of it !

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Science Award

The Linda Paul Award

This award is given to a pupil displaying creative talents and this year it was awarded to a P5 pupil.  

Culture Day

The Nursery and Primary School had a great time today celebrating lots of different countries through food.  There are so many nationalities within our school community and we were not able to recognise them all. This was a grand ending to Integrated Month.

Nursery - India                                           P4 - Japan and Portugal

P1 - Poland and Italy                                P5 - Turkey and Northern Ireland

P2 - China and Philippines                      P6 - Spain

P3 - France and U.S.A.                            P7 - South Africa and Hungary


The Sheila Hall Awards were given in memory of our previous school secretary Sheila Hall. The awards were presented by Sheila's daughter Helen and her daughter. The awards were given to the most improved pupil in each class plus there was an overall P7 winner.  Well done to all hge successful boys and girls. 

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Such a treat today. A magician's magic show to entertain all the children. John did a tremendous job, supported by Oscar the monkey.  Oscar seemed to like hitting poor John on the head with his wand.  The boys and girls joined in well.  It was great fun.  Thank you John and Oscar.  

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The Jackie Davidson Award for Integration

This award hoes to a pupil who displays all the qualities of the ethos of Integration. 

P5 have taken part in Belfast City Council's billboard challenge to highlight the issues of dog foul in our local area. After completing a very informative workshop, our pupils went off and created lots of amazing billboard designs and we are so delighted that one of our masterpieces has won the competition!

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Opening of the Nurture Room

Hazelwood IPS has just opened their new DE funded Nurture Room.  The room provides full time Nurture provision for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils and afternoon sessions for some KS2 pupils. Hazelwood IPS is the first integrated school to receive funding from DE for this provision.  The 'Rainbow Room' was officially opened by Mrs Acheson (Vice-Principal and previous nurture teacher) and Mrs McColl (previous nurture assistant) on Tuesday 9th May 2023.  Staff welcomed visitors including pupils, parents, DE Nurture staff, NICIE and IEF representatives, BoG members and past principal, Mrs Murtagh.

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Such a fantastic night at our school fair. Well done to all the Parent Teacher Council and all the staff who helped. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes etc for the event. 

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World Book Day 2023


The entire Hazelwood community was saddened to learn of the passing of Susan Dalzell. Susan was a caretaker at Hazelwood  for a number of years. She looked after the school as though it were her own home, working tirelessly  to ensure that the school was always well maintained for the pupils and staff.

No job was ever too big, no request ever turned down. She may have been diminutive in size but she was a giant in her commitment to the school. She was as proud of Hazelwood as we were of her She will be missed by all at Hazelwood.



Last week the Hazelwood community learned of the passing of Mrs Sheila Hall. Sheila was one of a handful of parents who tirelessly challenged politicians, councillors and clerics, to support the opening of Hazelwood Integrated Primary School. She worked as a volunteer at first and armed with a sweeping brush and indomitable passion and energy, helped clear a space in a disused building that became Hazelwood's first premises, opening in 1985.

She then worked as School Secretary for many years. Hazelwood and the growth of Integrated schools will always be indebted to Sheila and those who championed an alternative to segregated education.

The entire Hazelwood community offer our sympathies and condolences to Sheila's family.

Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Latest News

Children added the happy colour of yellow to their uniform today to celebrate anti  bullying month in P1

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A pupil in Mrs Byrne’s P1 class, who is a type 1 diabetic, alongside his family took part in a sponsored walk to raise money and awareness in the fight against diabetes. He is most definitely is a superhero to us.


Giveaway Competition 

 Courtney McAdorey, a past pupil won £1000 for Sports Equipment. She now lives in Scotland but picked Hazelwood as she went there and her nieces and nephews go there now.  Mr McDaid the principal was absolutely delighted and so was Mrs Johnston our P.E coordinator who was very happy her budget had been increased. 
Thank you Courtney for your generosity.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Tomorrow is our last day before the Christmas Break.  It will be a non uniform day and we would encourage children to wear Christmas jumpers!

Also a reminder that school finishes for all children at 12 noon!  There will be school buses at this earlier time.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy & Peaceful New Year!


From all the Staff at Hazelwood Integrated Primary & Nursery School


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Once again thank you to all the parents/guardians who have donated fairy lights for our Woodland fairy Light Walk next Monday 18th December.  I currently have approximately 71 sets of lights.  If I could get 80, that would be terrific!  If you haven't already done so, you may consider dropping them into school.  Remember, I need only OUTDOOR BATTERY operated lights.

The long-range forecast is for a dry night next Monday 18th December.  I will confirm the date towards the end of this week.  We would rather not have this magical night in the rain, like we had recently.

The cost will be £2 per family and the money will be going towards equipment for our outdoor play area.  You can pay through Parentmail.  This is expected to be extremely  popular so book early!

Families may bring lanterns for this event, but please DO NOT bring torches!

The wood will be open from 4.40pm and close at approximately 5.40pm.

Mr McDaid (Principal)


I would like to thank all our families for turning out in such high numbers at our Christmas Craft Fair yesterday.

Our magnificent choir, our P2/P3 nativity pupils, Mr Quinn and Jackie Rainey, all helped add to what was a brilliant Christmas buzz at school.

Click here to see video.

A big thank you to our wonderful pupils and the staff at school who worked so hard to make the fantastic crafts that were on sale. Not a single craft was left and with the generosity of our parental contributions, meant we raised a fantastic £879.00 towards Key Stage 2 outdoor play equipment.

I would also like to thank you so much for the many fairy lights donated to the school for our Christmas fairy light trail in the wood. Currently we have about 50 sets of lights. I hope to get 70 to allow us to light up the wood for what we hope will be a really special event on Monday 18th December. So once again, if you have any BATTERY-OPERATED OUTDOOR LIGHTS that we could use, that will help make this event a truly magical experience, we would be very happy to accept them. Thank you as every for all your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder that on Friday the 1st of December (tomorrow), all students will be taking part in an event across all primary schools in Northern Ireland - Santa’s Daily Mile. The children will have the opportunity to run Santa’s route around the grotto themed Woodlands at school to celebrate the first day of December.

Could all children please come to school in a Christmas jumper and suitable shoes for running? If they would like, they may also bring a Santa hat!

Thank you!

Miss Nixon


Reminder of Traffic Access arrangements from Monday 13th November. Please see Parentmail if you have the app if not check out our Parentmail page here

Administering Medication:

Please take time to read our updated guidelines on the schools policy for administering medication within school. You will find this on the Parentmail app or here on our website.



Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you to all those parents/guardians who have supported the school with new traffic access arrangements beginning Monday 13th November 2023.

To improve the flow of traffic for families from Nursery to P2, I would ask that you collect from the school office your school access pass.   Please have this clearly displayed on your dashboard each morning.  I hope this will make your entry to school easier.

Only cars with this pass will be allowed access to the school.  If you have a blue mobility badge, this really should apply to your child and not the driver and therefore I would ask that your child also walks from the front gate, and you do not drive into the school grounds.

These passes are available for collection from the School Office from Monday 6th November.  I would ask that all Parents/Guardians of pupils from Nursery to P2 will have them displayed from Monday 13th November.

As a result of these changes traffic coming into the school grounds has been greatly reduced.  The punctuality of our pupils has greatly improved and the safety of our pupils while walking in the school every morning and afternoon has also been improved.

Thank you once again for your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)




Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder about the new bus timetable for the              Belfast morning Bus beginning on Monday 6th November 23

As a school we have been concerned about the late arrival of pupils travelling on the morning Belfast Translink bus.              Indeed, some parents shared my concerns also.

This should help ensure that the bus arrives on time.                It is really important that you check                                              how this new schedule affects you and your child.

This applies to the morning bus only .Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are any issues with this new schedule..

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Hazelwood Primary School (retimed school service)

Service No. 778

Location Time

Carr's Glen (Joanmount) 0828

Oldpark Rd (Oldpark Terrace, Co-op) 0833

Westland Road (Golf Course) 0835

Cavehill Road (Inver Avenue) 0836

North Circular Road 0838

Antrim Road (North Circular Road) 0839

Antrim Road (Salisbury Avenue) 0842

Antrim Road (Atlantic Avenue) 0846

via Duncairn Gardens,

North Queen Street (Mountcollyer) 0849

Shore Road (Lidl/Asda) 0851

Shore Road (Gray's Lane) 0855

Lower Whitewell (White City) 0857

Hazelwood Primary School 0900



Dear Parent/Guardian


Exciting News!

The Seesaw app is getting a fresh new icon.

On October 27


We wanted to keep you in the loop and share that on October 27th, 2023, Seesaw is launching an exciting new logo, app icon, and marketing website.                                                                                                                                         Don’t worry, everything inside the app will stay the same.

 How will this affect families?

We recommend families update the app which will be available from 27th October 2023 as soon as possible.


Please contact us if you have any problems with this new transition.





Fashion Show
27/03/2025 10:33 AM
Fashion Show

What a great night at our fashion show last night. All of the children were amazing, from the Comp`eres to the Choir and not to mention our very open susperstar models.

Thank you to all of you who came along to support our wonderful school. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

A huge thank you to Dunnes Stores for the clothes. 













Science Homework extension
26/03/2025 3:58 PM

Science Homework extension

Good Afternoon,

Science Homework extension

Thank you to those who have been working hard to complete and send in Science Investigations already.

Due to fashion show, science homework deadline has been extended.

Children have until Friday 4th April to complete and return to school.

If already completed children can send into school.

Thank you

Miss Scott

Hazelwood Fashion Show
26/03/2025 3:44 PM
Hazelwood Fashion Show

Hazelwood Fashion Show

Wednesday 26th MARCH @630PM

Parent Line Workshop
3/02/2025 12:00 AM
Parent Line Workshop

Parent Line Workshop

Worry To Wonder

18th Feb from 10am

Weather warning and school closure
23/01/2025 12:00 AM

The Education Minister Paul Givan has announced  - "A red weather warning has been issued for Storm Éowyn and the Education Authority has advised that all schools should close tomorrow"

The school and nursery will be closed on Friday 24th January 2025 due to this announcement.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are delighted that many more pupils are using our free Breakfast Club. This service is available to all our pupils and we would welcome more pupils.

Starting next week, we will have a special breakfast on Tuesday and Friday, when we will offer pancakes or waffles as well as cereal and juice.

If you would like your child to attend, please get in touch with Alison in the School Office.

Many thanks

Mr J McDaid (Principal)

HERO – Here, every day, ready and on time.


Each week the attendance in our school is monitored to find out which class is on target to win a cinema experience in their classroom.  The class with the highest level of school attendance in each key stage at the end of a month will enjoy popcorn and a movie in their classroom to celebrate being the top attenders.  Pupils can keep an eye on our HERO board to find out which lucky class will be the winners at the end of each month.  Good luck to everyone!


Attendance winners for September

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Working in partnership with Women’s Tec we were delighted to offer our mothers the opportunity to complete a DIY Woodwork course. The project’s aim was to make a stool from pallet wood. Our parents worked  for eight weeks  using a variety of tools and with lots of craic, tea and biscuits they are delighted with their achievements.

We are as proud of them as they are of their work.  This was so successful we hope to run another course for interested parents so watch this space!!

Remember, this is your school, be part of it !

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Science Award

The Linda Paul Award

This award is given to a pupil displaying creative talents and this year it was awarded to a P5 pupil.  

Culture Day

The Nursery and Primary School had a great time today celebrating lots of different countries through food.  There are so many nationalities within our school community and we were not able to recognise them all. This was a grand ending to Integrated Month.

Nursery - India                                           P4 - Japan and Portugal

P1 - Poland and Italy                                P5 - Turkey and Northern Ireland

P2 - China and Philippines                      P6 - Spain

P3 - France and U.S.A.                            P7 - South Africa and Hungary


The Sheila Hall Awards were given in memory of our previous school secretary Sheila Hall. The awards were presented by Sheila's daughter Helen and her daughter. The awards were given to the most improved pupil in each class plus there was an overall P7 winner.  Well done to all hge successful boys and girls. 

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Such a treat today. A magician's magic show to entertain all the children. John did a tremendous job, supported by Oscar the monkey.  Oscar seemed to like hitting poor John on the head with his wand.  The boys and girls joined in well.  It was great fun.  Thank you John and Oscar.  

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The Jackie Davidson Award for Integration

This award hoes to a pupil who displays all the qualities of the ethos of Integration. 

P5 have taken part in Belfast City Council's billboard challenge to highlight the issues of dog foul in our local area. After completing a very informative workshop, our pupils went off and created lots of amazing billboard designs and we are so delighted that one of our masterpieces has won the competition!

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Opening of the Nurture Room

Hazelwood IPS has just opened their new DE funded Nurture Room.  The room provides full time Nurture provision for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils and afternoon sessions for some KS2 pupils. Hazelwood IPS is the first integrated school to receive funding from DE for this provision.  The 'Rainbow Room' was officially opened by Mrs Acheson (Vice-Principal and previous nurture teacher) and Mrs McColl (previous nurture assistant) on Tuesday 9th May 2023.  Staff welcomed visitors including pupils, parents, DE Nurture staff, NICIE and IEF representatives, BoG members and past principal, Mrs Murtagh.

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Such a fantastic night at our school fair. Well done to all the Parent Teacher Council and all the staff who helped. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes etc for the event. 

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World Book Day 2023


The entire Hazelwood community was saddened to learn of the passing of Susan Dalzell. Susan was a caretaker at Hazelwood  for a number of years. She looked after the school as though it were her own home, working tirelessly  to ensure that the school was always well maintained for the pupils and staff.

No job was ever too big, no request ever turned down. She may have been diminutive in size but she was a giant in her commitment to the school. She was as proud of Hazelwood as we were of her She will be missed by all at Hazelwood.



Last week the Hazelwood community learned of the passing of Mrs Sheila Hall. Sheila was one of a handful of parents who tirelessly challenged politicians, councillors and clerics, to support the opening of Hazelwood Integrated Primary School. She worked as a volunteer at first and armed with a sweeping brush and indomitable passion and energy, helped clear a space in a disused building that became Hazelwood's first premises, opening in 1985.

She then worked as School Secretary for many years. Hazelwood and the growth of Integrated schools will always be indebted to Sheila and those who championed an alternative to segregated education.

The entire Hazelwood community offer our sympathies and condolences to Sheila's family.

Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Latest News

Children added the happy colour of yellow to their uniform today to celebrate anti  bullying month in P1

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A pupil in Mrs Byrne’s P1 class, who is a type 1 diabetic, alongside his family took part in a sponsored walk to raise money and awareness in the fight against diabetes. He is most definitely is a superhero to us.


Giveaway Competition 

 Courtney McAdorey, a past pupil won £1000 for Sports Equipment. She now lives in Scotland but picked Hazelwood as she went there and her nieces and nephews go there now.  Mr McDaid the principal was absolutely delighted and so was Mrs Johnston our P.E coordinator who was very happy her budget had been increased. 
Thank you Courtney for your generosity.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Tomorrow is our last day before the Christmas Break.  It will be a non uniform day and we would encourage children to wear Christmas jumpers!

Also a reminder that school finishes for all children at 12 noon!  There will be school buses at this earlier time.

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy & Peaceful New Year!


From all the Staff at Hazelwood Integrated Primary & Nursery School


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Once again thank you to all the parents/guardians who have donated fairy lights for our Woodland fairy Light Walk next Monday 18th December.  I currently have approximately 71 sets of lights.  If I could get 80, that would be terrific!  If you haven't already done so, you may consider dropping them into school.  Remember, I need only OUTDOOR BATTERY operated lights.

The long-range forecast is for a dry night next Monday 18th December.  I will confirm the date towards the end of this week.  We would rather not have this magical night in the rain, like we had recently.

The cost will be £2 per family and the money will be going towards equipment for our outdoor play area.  You can pay through Parentmail.  This is expected to be extremely  popular so book early!

Families may bring lanterns for this event, but please DO NOT bring torches!

The wood will be open from 4.40pm and close at approximately 5.40pm.

Mr McDaid (Principal)


I would like to thank all our families for turning out in such high numbers at our Christmas Craft Fair yesterday.

Our magnificent choir, our P2/P3 nativity pupils, Mr Quinn and Jackie Rainey, all helped add to what was a brilliant Christmas buzz at school.

Click here to see video.

A big thank you to our wonderful pupils and the staff at school who worked so hard to make the fantastic crafts that were on sale. Not a single craft was left and with the generosity of our parental contributions, meant we raised a fantastic £879.00 towards Key Stage 2 outdoor play equipment.

I would also like to thank you so much for the many fairy lights donated to the school for our Christmas fairy light trail in the wood. Currently we have about 50 sets of lights. I hope to get 70 to allow us to light up the wood for what we hope will be a really special event on Monday 18th December. So once again, if you have any BATTERY-OPERATED OUTDOOR LIGHTS that we could use, that will help make this event a truly magical experience, we would be very happy to accept them. Thank you as every for all your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder that on Friday the 1st of December (tomorrow), all students will be taking part in an event across all primary schools in Northern Ireland - Santa’s Daily Mile. The children will have the opportunity to run Santa’s route around the grotto themed Woodlands at school to celebrate the first day of December.

Could all children please come to school in a Christmas jumper and suitable shoes for running? If they would like, they may also bring a Santa hat!

Thank you!

Miss Nixon


Reminder of Traffic Access arrangements from Monday 13th November. Please see Parentmail if you have the app if not check out our Parentmail page here

Administering Medication:

Please take time to read our updated guidelines on the schools policy for administering medication within school. You will find this on the Parentmail app or here on our website.



Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you to all those parents/guardians who have supported the school with new traffic access arrangements beginning Monday 13th November 2023.

To improve the flow of traffic for families from Nursery to P2, I would ask that you collect from the school office your school access pass.   Please have this clearly displayed on your dashboard each morning.  I hope this will make your entry to school easier.

Only cars with this pass will be allowed access to the school.  If you have a blue mobility badge, this really should apply to your child and not the driver and therefore I would ask that your child also walks from the front gate, and you do not drive into the school grounds.

These passes are available for collection from the School Office from Monday 6th November.  I would ask that all Parents/Guardians of pupils from Nursery to P2 will have them displayed from Monday 13th November.

As a result of these changes traffic coming into the school grounds has been greatly reduced.  The punctuality of our pupils has greatly improved and the safety of our pupils while walking in the school every morning and afternoon has also been improved.

Thank you once again for your support.

Mr J McDaid (Principal)




Dear Parent/Guardian,

A quick reminder about the new bus timetable for the              Belfast morning Bus beginning on Monday 6th November 23

As a school we have been concerned about the late arrival of pupils travelling on the morning Belfast Translink bus.              Indeed, some parents shared my concerns also.

This should help ensure that the bus arrives on time.                It is really important that you check                                              how this new schedule affects you and your child.

This applies to the morning bus only .Please do not hesitate to let me know if there are any issues with this new schedule..

Mr J McDaid (Principal)


Hazelwood Primary School (retimed school service)

Service No. 778

Location Time

Carr's Glen (Joanmount) 0828

Oldpark Rd (Oldpark Terrace, Co-op) 0833

Westland Road (Golf Course) 0835

Cavehill Road (Inver Avenue) 0836

North Circular Road 0838

Antrim Road (North Circular Road) 0839

Antrim Road (Salisbury Avenue) 0842

Antrim Road (Atlantic Avenue) 0846

via Duncairn Gardens,

North Queen Street (Mountcollyer) 0849

Shore Road (Lidl/Asda) 0851

Shore Road (Gray's Lane) 0855

Lower Whitewell (White City) 0857

Hazelwood Primary School 0900



Dear Parent/Guardian


Exciting News!

The Seesaw app is getting a fresh new icon.

On October 27


We wanted to keep you in the loop and share that on October 27th, 2023, Seesaw is launching an exciting new logo, app icon, and marketing website.                                                                                                                                         Don’t worry, everything inside the app will stay the same.

 How will this affect families?

We recommend families update the app which will be available from 27th October 2023 as soon as possible.


Please contact us if you have any problems with this new transition.





Fashion Show
27/03/2025 10:33 AM
Fashion Show

What a great night at our fashion show last night. All of the children were amazing, from the Comp`eres to the Choir and not to mention our very open susperstar models.

Thank you to all of you who came along to support our wonderful school. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

A huge thank you to Dunnes Stores for the clothes. 













Science Homework extension
26/03/2025 3:58 PM

Science Homework extension

Good Afternoon,

Science Homework extension

Thank you to those who have been working hard to complete and send in Science Investigations already.

Due to fashion show, science homework deadline has been extended.

Children have until Friday 4th April to complete and return to school.

If already completed children can send into school.

Thank you

Miss Scott

Hazelwood Fashion Show
26/03/2025 3:44 PM
Hazelwood Fashion Show

Hazelwood Fashion Show

Wednesday 26th MARCH @630PM

Parent Line Workshop
3/02/2025 12:00 AM
Parent Line Workshop

Parent Line Workshop

Worry To Wonder

18th Feb from 10am

Weather warning and school closure
23/01/2025 12:00 AM

The Education Minister Paul Givan has announced  - "A red weather warning has been issued for Storm Éowyn and the Education Authority has advised that all schools should close tomorrow"

The school and nursery will be closed on Friday 24th January 2025 due to this announcement.


Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are delighted that many more pupils are using our free Breakfast Club. This service is available to all our pupils and we would welcome more pupils.

Starting next week, we will have a special breakfast on Tuesday and Friday, when we will offer pancakes or waffles as well as cereal and juice.

If you would like your child to attend, please get in touch with Alison in the School Office.

Many thanks

Mr J McDaid (Principal)

HERO – Here, every day, ready and on time.


Each week the attendance in our school is monitored to find out which class is on target to win a cinema experience in their classroom.  The class with the highest level of school attendance in each key stage at the end of a month will enjoy popcorn and a movie in their classroom to celebrate being the top attenders.  Pupils can keep an eye on our HERO board to find out which lucky class will be the winners at the end of each month.  Good luck to everyone!


Attendance winners for September

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Working in partnership with Women’s Tec we were delighted to offer our mothers the opportunity to complete a DIY Woodwork course. The project’s aim was to make a stool from pallet wood. Our parents worked  for eight weeks  using a variety of tools and with lots of craic, tea and biscuits they are delighted with their achievements.

We are as proud of them as they are of their work.  This was so successful we hope to run another course for interested parents so watch this space!!

Remember, this is your school, be part of it !

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Science Award

The Linda Paul Award

This award is given to a pupil displaying creative talents and this year it was awarded to a P5 pupil.  

Culture Day

The Nursery and Primary School had a great time today celebrating lots of different countries through food.  There are so many nationalities within our school community and we were not able to recognise them all. This was a grand ending to Integrated Month.

Nursery - India                                           P4 - Japan and Portugal

P1 - Poland and Italy                                P5 - Turkey and Northern Ireland

P2 - China and Philippines                      P6 - Spain

P3 - France and U.S.A.                            P7 - South Africa and Hungary


The Sheila Hall Awards were given in memory of our previous school secretary Sheila Hall. The awards were presented by Sheila's daughter Helen and her daughter. The awards were given to the most improved pupil in each class plus there was an overall P7 winner.  Well done to all hge successful boys and girls. 

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Such a treat today. A magician's magic show to entertain all the children. John did a tremendous job, supported by Oscar the monkey.  Oscar seemed to like hitting poor John on the head with his wand.  The boys and girls joined in well.  It was great fun.  Thank you John and Oscar.  

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The Jackie Davidson Award for Integration

This award hoes to a pupil who displays all the qualities of the ethos of Integration. 

P5 have taken part in Belfast City Council's billboard challenge to highlight the issues of dog foul in our local area. After completing a very informative workshop, our pupils went off and created lots of amazing billboard designs and we are so delighted that one of our masterpieces has won the competition!

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Opening of the Nurture Room

Hazelwood IPS has just opened their new DE funded Nurture Room.  The room provides full time Nurture provision for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils and afternoon sessions for some KS2 pupils. Hazelwood IPS is the first integrated school to receive funding from DE for this provision.  The 'Rainbow Room' was officially opened by Mrs Acheson (Vice-Principal and previous nurture teacher) and Mrs McColl (previous nurture assistant) on Tuesday 9th May 2023.  Staff welcomed visitors including pupils, parents, DE Nurture staff, NICIE and IEF representatives, BoG members and past principal, Mrs Murtagh.

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Such a fantastic night at our school fair. Well done to all the Parent Teacher Council and all the staff who helped. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes etc for the event. 

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World Book Day 2023


The entire Hazelwood community was saddened to learn of the passing of Susan Dalzell. Susan was a caretaker at Hazelwood  for a number of years. She looked after the school as though it were her own home, working tirelessly  to ensure that the school was always well maintained for the pupils and staff.

No job was ever too big, no request ever turned down. She may have been diminutive in size but she was a giant in her commitment to the school. She was as proud of Hazelwood as we were of her She will be missed by all at Hazelwood.



Last week the Hazelwood community learned of the passing of Mrs Sheila Hall. Sheila was one of a handful of parents who tirelessly challenged politicians, councillors and clerics, to support the opening of Hazelwood Integrated Primary School. She worked as a volunteer at first and armed with a sweeping brush and indomitable passion and energy, helped clear a space in a disused building that became Hazelwood's first premises, opening in 1985.

She then worked as School Secretary for many years. Hazelwood and the growth of Integrated schools will always be indebted to Sheila and those who championed an alternative to segregated education.

The entire Hazelwood community offer our sympathies and condolences to Sheila's family.