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Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Shared Education


P2 bought new outdoor art equipment with their shared education money this year. We enjoyed our outdoor art day.

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Primary 3 had a brilliant morning completing outdoor Maths activities. We have sent our photos to Woodburn and Central Integrated and have set them a Maths challenge to complete. We are also getting a Maths challenge from them as well. We can't wait.

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At the beginning of March P3 met with their friends from Woodburn Primary and Central Integrated Primary for a morning at the beach. We enjoyed lots of fun activities led by Beach Schools NI. It was great to meet our friends from the other schools in person.

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Pictures of Primary 3 enjoying a drama workshop digitally by Play it by Ear drama group. We all had a brilliant time.

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 As part of Shared Education, Mrs Blair’s Primary 3 class were involved with some outdoor Maths today.  We enjoyed a number scavenger hunt, symmetry, Venn diagrams and some number activities.  We had a brilliant time learning in the beautiful sunshine this morning.

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Shared Education 2019-2020

This year we have three classes taking part in Shared Education, Miss Davis’ P2 class, Miss Agnew’s P3s and Mrs Watson’s P4s. Although all year groups are collaborating with the same schools, they are each working to develop/and or enhance different curriculum areas and skills. P2 are focusing on Numeracy and PDMU, P3 are exploring Numeracy and PBL and P4 are developing Numeracy and ICT.   This year we have purchased a new maths resource called ‘Numicon’ which has been used on Shared Education days for number recognition, making sets, adding and finding odd and even numbers. We love visiting other schools and having our friends join us at Hazelwood.

P2 enjoyed their Shared Education Visit to Woodburn Primary School today alongside Carrickfergus Central. We got to see their brand new school building and playground. Here we are enjoying all the new equipment and having fun with our new friends. 

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Hazelwood Integrated Primary School, Carrickfergus Central Primary School and Woodburn Primary School and made a joint application to work together as part of the Shared Education programme. In 2017-2018 the focus for P2 was to develop Outdoor Play and this year they will continue this into P3.  The new P2s this year (2018-2019) are focusing on developing PDMU and The Arts which is a key focus in each school’s School Development Plan.  We are looking forward to many visits throughout the year and meeting up with our new/old buddies again. 


In October 2018 we celebrated ‘Shared Education Week’ in which FS/KS1 took part in many activities throughout the week. The P2 and P3 children involved in Shared Education designed a torch to represent happiness and bright ideas when working with others.  We have included a photograph below of the two year groups together. 

January 2018

Hazelwood Integrated Primary School embarked on their first Shared Education journey this year alongside Carrickfergus Central and Woodburn Primary Schools. The three teachers met up for shared planning days which enabled the children to meet once a month to have valuable, outdoor learning experiences. Some of our outings included den building in Shaftesbury Park, nature trails in Hazelwood’s Forest and planting in recycled bottles. The teacher’s also got numerous opportunities to learn from others though attending training for Shared Education, Play/ABL, outdoor learning and thinking skills in the classroom.. Based on the parents and pupil responses from the Celebration day in June 2018, we know this year was a huge success. As a whole school community we are now culturally more aware of the similarities and differences around us and recognise the value of learning with and from one another through this shared learning experience.  As we enter into the new academic year we are looking forward to our 2nd year and inviting another year group to join us!