Hazelwood Integrated

Hazelwood Integrated

Primary and Nursery School

  1. Parents
  2. Parents' Teacher Council

Parents' Teacher Council

Fashion Show

There will be a fashion show on 26th March at 6.30 pm with clothes from Dunnes and some eco fashion made by the children. We will be choosing a boy and girl from each class to take part. Please send in your child's name and class if you would like them to be considered in the draw to take part.


Winners of our Chinese New Year colouring competition. Well done boys and girls and thank you all for entering.
Thank you to Mia and her mum for all the fabulous prizes. Also thank you to all the kind donors.


Hazelwood's Got Talent

Come on now don’t be shy!  Fill in an application form below.  Please complete your form by 7th February and the first auditions will take place after the mid term break. Once we have received these we will inform you when the initial run through will take place.  Any questions see Mrs.Douglas in the Nursery.

Hazelwood's Got Talent 2024

BOYS AND GIRLS the P.T.C. would like to announce the return of Hazelwood’s Got Talent. We all know you have loads of talent so why don’t you come and audition for our show? The final is on Thursday 14th March in the evening. Your talent may be singing, the tin whistle, dancing, magic tricks or telling jokes. You may perform as part of a group or as a solo act. It is important that you prepare yourself and provide your own costume. If you would like to part of this exciting competition please fill in your details and get practising. Once we have received these we will inform you when the initial audition ill take place. Any questions see Mrs.Douglas in the Nursery.

Our wonderful walk in the twinkly magical wood

We are having a Christmas raffle. You pay via ParentMail and here are the lovely prizes. A special Christmas Eve sleigh filled with magical Christmas goodies and a super Christmas hamper. Good luck. Thank you to all who contributed to these. 

Bingo Night was a great success. Mr McDaid is a natural caller. Well done to all the winners and thank you to the PTC for organising and to all the families who came and had fun. 

PTC organised a Halloween Disco for all the children. click here to watch video

Woodland Wander with Nursery and P1

This Year’s Events

Keep up to date with events and committee meetings on Facebook at Hazelwood Integrated Primary School P.T.C.

Next committee Meeting is on Tuesday 6th December at 9.00am. 

All welcome. 

School Fair - 7.6.2024

Who we are

The PTA are a friendly bunch of parents who get together on a monthly basis to arrange various wide ranging functions and enjoyable events that aim to get parents, staff and friends together to have a good time and to raise funds for the school at the same time!


We would like to extend an open invitation to all parents in the school to come and join our group and/or support our various activities. Fill in your details on our contact form (at the bottom of this page) if your interested.

It would be great to hear from any parents who would be interested in helping fund raise for our sons' and daughters' school.

If you aren't able to commit to joining us but would be interested in helping at events, sponsorship or part sponsorship of events, no matter how small, or by donation of prizes, either from yourself or maybe by your own business or contacts, it would be great to hear from you.

We are always open to new ideas so please let us know if you think of a great event that would help the PTA in its aims and objectives for the school and our children.

Tricia Douglas  teacher rep

I would like to thank everyone on the committee who have put so much energy and dedication into organising our events and attending the meetings and I look forward to this year’s activities. Hope to see some of you there!

What we do

The PTA in Hazelwood Integrated Nursery and Primary School exists to encourage parents and guardians, through social and educational events, to enter more fully into the life of the School; to support the School in the face of increasing Government cutbacks, to make sure that parents and other interested friends and bodies are aware of the School's financial needs.

The P.T.A. meets monthly to arrange various wide ranging functions and enjoyable events that aims to get parents, staff and friends together to firstly have a good time and also to raise funds for the school.  The events are arranged throughout the year and we are wide ranging in nature to encourage the interaction of parents who are already familiar with the school and new parents who are on the start of their relationship with the school and the many benefits it offers.

Contact Form

Please fill in the form if you are interested.

Also at our firework night.  It was so lovely to see the school and Cavehill lit up by the fireworks.

Back to the Future

Thank you to all who came to help us celebrate, our 30 years, at our movie event.