Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School


The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum which embraces the new NI Curriculum. Teachers provide activity based learning for our children to relate to everyday life. More information can be found at http://www.nicurriculum.org.uk/



Communication and LiteracyWe strive to provide the best possible grounding in Literacy, achieved through the strong emphasis on communication, interaction and self expression during the early years.  Our new reading scheme Bug Club can be accessed from home allowing children to complete online reading activities.

Mathematics and Numeracy-Maths at Hazelwood has a strong emphasis on practical activities related to real life, investigative maths, the use of ICT, verbal reasoning and problem-solving skills. Maths as an extra-curricular activity reflects our ethos that maths is fun.

The World Around Us-Hazelwood is NI's first official forest school! The woodland adjacent to our school is used regularly by all classes as an outdoor classroom. This provides opportunities for pupils to engage in active learning such as identifying trees, flowers, natural art, building dens and team building activities.

We are proud to have received three ECO SCHOOL green flags in the past 6 years recognising our hard work in reducing energy bills, increasing recycling and taking responsibility for the World Around Us.