Outdoor Classroom Day 2021
Primary 3 visited the woodland during their Maths lesson today. They measured natural materials using cm on a measuring tape and they also tried to step/jump the length of one metre to use this to help them estimate longer lengths.
P5 completed some lovely art pieces inspired by nature
P1 Making sandwiches and enjoying them outside with the class teddy.
P3 enjoying the outdoors and toasting.
Nursery in the Woods
P6 enjoying hot dogs in the wood. Yum!
P4 Den Building
P7 digging up the P6 Time Capsule
Last Thursday was our first day at Hazelwood Nature Rangers. We spent our time getting to know our environment. We found a great tree to climb, looked for the best skimming pebbles and splashed about in mud and the pond. We talked about how to keep safe as we have fun. We returned to the school building tired but incredibly happy and chatty. There’s going to be marshmallows and a fire next week!
Exploring the woodland contributes to building resilience, friendship, learning new tasks and working as a part of a team. All this takes place through play and the children don't even know they are learning!
#nifsa #forestschool #naturerangers #firstday #mudplay #waterplay #environment #forest
Key Worker's Children
Fun and games in the wood today making teepees and toasting marshmallows in the sun.