P1 Beebot coding
Today during ICT Miss Nixon's class were introduced to our Bee bots and began to explore giving directions
P1 have been learning to use the IPads safely. We have been learning to take photos of familiar places around our school.
P1 Beebot coding
Today during ICT Miss Nixon's class were introduced to our Bee bots and began to explore giving directions
P1 have been learning to use the IPads safely. We have been learning to take photos of familiar places around our school.
P1 Beebot coding
Today during ICT Miss Nixon's class were introduced to our Bee bots and began to explore giving directions
P1 have been learning to use the IPads safely. We have been learning to take photos of familiar places around our school.
P1 Beebot coding
Today during ICT Miss Nixon's class were introduced to our Bee bots and began to explore giving directions
P1 have been learning to use the IPads safely. We have been learning to take photos of familiar places around our school.