Spooky Bat Night
We were so pleased to welcome our former pupil Odhran Casey. He is a member of the winning Cliftonville football team that won the Irish cup. The children were very excited to meet him and see the cup.
Santa Daily Mile
P1 loved our Santa Daily Mile. We loved getting out in the fresh air of the woodland meeting some interesting characters along the way. Great fun was had by all.
Hamper Winners
Mrs Clark’s class won a hamper for the fire pit, filled with ingredients for s’mores. They won this as they were one of the classes who visited the woodland the most.
We were delighted to welcome back Terry Mc Keown to Hazelwood to officially open 'The Studio' our pupil safe place. Terry was a dedicated and committed governor for over 20 years. She worked tirelessly and passionately to ensure that Hazelwood provided the best possible learning experiences for all its pupils.
On behalf of all the pupils, parents, staff and governors we thank Terry for all that she did for Hazelwood.
NERF Battle
We are super excited about the NERF battle we have booked for the winning house team P3-P7
Pupils will know at a special house assembly this Monday
Good Luck to all in Rowan, Oak. Beech and Ash!
Lord Caine's Visit
Lord Caine, The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Northern Ireland visited the school. He was so positive about who we are and what we do. He was genuinely touched by seeing at first hand the beating heart of reconciliation and Integration in the corridors and classrooms of our school. We told him we are not just a primary school, but are an integral part of the peace process.
To celebrate the 40th year of Integrated Education, we have planted a beautiful fruit orchard at the back of the school. All our pupils were involved in planting the 40 fruit trees, one for each year of Integrated Education. We were delighted to welcome Mrs Murtagh back to plant the last tree in our orchard. What a beautiful place this will be for our pupils to go as part of their outdoor learning experience.
Super artists deserve head teacher awards