Become a NIFSA Forest Family today
As you are aware we are a Forest School. We want to get all our families involved not just the children having fun. Read below to see how you can get involved.
Key information when applying for assistance with your child’s transport.
We hope you are all getting on well with home learning with your children?! Please click here for information sheet about uploading the See Saw App to an IPad or desktop if you have not already done so, also a few helpful hints and how to get the best use out of it.
The Parenting NI Parent Support App is now available to download on all phone and tablet types. You can download it through the App Store or Google Play, by searching Parenting NI.
Please see the link on how to set up the app on your phone.
Please see the attached letter from Mrs Murtagh regarding provision of Home to School Transport.The Department of Education are having a review of the transport they provide to pupils from home to school each day. They have asked us to get parents opinions and ideas about the proposed changes via a questionnaire. Please follow the link in the letter to complete this questionnaire.
Currently we are reviewing the information we have about our pupils, staff and parents in line with the review of Data Protection legislation. We would appreciate it if you could fill in the following forms (even if you have already done so in the past) and return them to me as soon as possible to the address above with all the updated information. Please note we require at least two contact numbers for each child.
It is essential that you complete this form as soon as possible and tick the necessary permissions. We must account for these permissions for every child.
In addition, we currently hope to communicate more effectively with you via email and Parentmail and would appreciate it if you could complete the relevant section in order that we may continue to do so
Thank you for all your help in this matter.
Mr J McDaid
Please click here to access the form and return it to
May we remind all parents that we need up to date contact numbers in case of emergency or school closure due to bad weather. Contact the office to inform the school of any changes please.
Parental involvement plays a major role in the life of the school. We value our parents as vital co-educators in their child's progress and success at school. We aim to create an active partnership between parents and teacher.
Just ten minutes a day can help your child and give them skills and confidence to do better at home, school and in life. Save the Children
NEW PARENT? Thinking about sending your child to Hazelwood? Parents are very welcome to come and tour the school. Do not hesitate to contact us.
The school have an active PTA who are dedicated to supporting the school financially. Events organised in the past by the PTA have included a fashion show, summer and Christmas fairs, and the infamous 'Hazelwood's got Talent'. For more information on joining the PTA contact Miss McDowell.
Parent Comment:
Hazelwood felt like a great big family, which is very special. The community is very lucky to be served by such a wonderful school!
Parent Questionnaire-Thanks to all our parents who completed and returned our Parent Questionnnaire. A total of 139 were returned. We had some very encouraging and positive feedback on:-
Behaviour/Pastoral Care