Chinese New Year
Primary 7 Confirmation
Happy Hanukkah
Hanukkah 2024 starts on the 25th December and ends on the 2nd January. It is the Jewish festival of lights. It celebrates the miracles in Jewish history. Miss Scott's class made hand print menorahs.
NICIE training on Anti-Bias, October 24
Tiarnan and Cathy from NICIE came to take a workshop on Anti-Bias with our staff. We learned about how bias can have an impact on teaching and learning and also how to have discussions with our pupils about bias.
Black History Month 2024
In October we celebrate Black History Month. The pupils learn about diversity of skin colour, the harm of racism. We celebrate people of colour, who have made a difference in our world.
Harvest 2024
We celebrated Harvest at the end of October. Our lovely parents donated foods, which were then given to The People's Kitchen.
Diwali 2024
We learned about and celebrated Diwali this year. Diwali is the festival of lights for Hindus and Sikhs.
Remembrance 2024
Cultural Day 2023
At the end of March, we celebrate the end of Integrated Month by having a Culture Day. We learn about and celebrate many of the different cultures and cuisines from the many countries represented in Hazelwood. Parents were invited and the children helped prepare, serve and eat the yummy different foods. Thank you to everyone who contributed and who came to celebrate with us.
The Nursery celebrated Italy with pasta, pizza and ice-cream.
As part of integrated month 24, INTO FILM and NICIE tasked pupils of integrated school in NI to create a video or animation on the theme of bias. Our P4-P7s took up this challenge and we entered 7 videos into the competition. We are delighted to announce that one of our entries won 2nd place. Watch our winning P7 animation by Kora in Mrs Breslin's class.
The staff all took part in training from NICIE on ethos, values and identity with Mary and Jess. A wonderful enlightening session which all enjoyed and learnt from.
As part of Integrated Month Primary 2 have been learning about different festivals that are celebrated all around the world. This week we learnt about the Hindu festival Holi, which is also known as the festival of colour. Then we worked in teams to make our own colourful heart. We had great fun!
Hazelwood IPS pupils and parents had an amazing day representing our school in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Belfast City Centre today!
Look at their fantastic costumes
Primary 3 Miss Scott's Class
Primary 2 Mrs Joyce's Class Learnt about how Hanukkah is celebrated and decorated our own Menorah candles!
P2 learnt all about Diwali and enjoyed making our own Rangoli patterns with coloured rice.
Mr McQuillan's class taking part in an art lesson where we are designing rangoli patterns for Diwali which takes place this weekend.
To celebrate Diwali, P5 made their own rangoli patterns using coloured sand.
Black History Month Activities
Primary 7
Primary 7 Art project for Black History month and talked about skin colour. Everyone had to mix their own skin colour. They ALL had to mix white, black, blue, red and yellow to create their colour, no matter how dark or light their skin was.
Primary 4
P2 had great fun learning about the Philippines this month! Some lovely parents in our class cooked a delicious Filipino feast for us today and even taught us some Filipino! Salamat!
P1 children enjoyed learning about Poland. We learnt some of the language, tasted the food and even made our own Polish cake. We have enjoyed learning all about Integration and celebrating each other
P5's Integration video
P7’s fantastic recipe for Integration.
'P6 children 'ag caint as gaeilge' in Miss Courtney's class, learning 'na dathanna' (colours) and some information about 'mé féin' (myself).
Celebrating Harvest Assembly
Celebrating Diwali
Two of our pupils met the Princess and Princess of Wakes on their recent trip to Belfast
To celebrate 40 years of Integration each school was tasked with taking up to 10 photos, which showed examples of integration. At Hazelwood IPS we asked our P4-P7 pupils to take photos using their class ipads. If you would like to see the photos they are now on a digital exhibition. Click the link below and then click on each of the 4 themes to view the photos from both HIPS and other integrated schools.
Last year we introduced two new awards. These awards are dedicated to the spirit, vision and moral courage of two very special women who have dedicated their lives to the promotion of Integrated education.
We continue to celebrate their vision and dedication with the Jackie Davidson Award for the spirit of Integration and the Linda Paul award for Creativity. These awards recognise the values and ethos of Integration. This year’s winners were a girl from P7 for the Jackie Davidson Award and a P7 girl for the Linda Paul Award. Well done boys and girls.
The children did so well at their first Holy Communion.
The P6s had a workshop about People and Places from Conradh na Gaeilge. They learned about the origin of our place-names, especially those in your local area.
Our pupils and families have been taking photos of images that they think show integration. Here are some of their photos.
The winners of the integration photo award are two boys from P1 and P3. Well done.
Leon said integration for him, means, everyone in the world getting along, no matter who they are, where they come from or what they believe in. He wanted to put all the flags of the world together around a heart.
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Caolan in P3 (Miss Agnew's class) and Odhran in P1 (Mrs Byrne/Mr Magill's class) made this amazing artwork.![]() |
Sisters in P6 and P1 made this awesome number 40 with stuff toys to remind them of their favourite memory from Hazelwood - the teddy bear's picnic in P1.![]() |
A girl in P5 sent in this collage of what integration means to her.![]() |
To me and my family integration means any religion or skin colour are all accepted like a leaf and a tree form one, and water and pebbles form one as well. (Lucy in P5)![]() |
P7 Mrs Szlachta's class:
Miss Scott's Class
Nursery all together
Great Integration Bake off
To mark 40 years of Integration, our pupils and families have been baking up a storm. Here are some of their creations.
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![]() Ewa and Maria in P7 made these buns to celebrate 40 years of integration. |
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Here is some baking from P6 Miss McClenaghan's class for the Great Integrated Bake Off.
P7 made some lovely buns for Integration |
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Recipe for Integration
First Penance children P3
Congratulations to the P7 children who made the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday 8th March in St. Gerard's church.
Today (14th December) Baronness May Blood came to Hazelwood IPS to open our new P1 playground. Baronness Blood is a firm advocate for integration and we were delighted when she agreed to answer some questions posed to her by the P7s. She was delighted to see the work that goes into our integrated ethos in Hazelwood.
Here are some photos of P3 making Chinese New Year dragons during play.
As a school, we like to learn about and celebrate religious festivals. Here is some of P2s lovely work on Hannukkah
As part of our learning about different cultures, we had in 3 visitors from the Ulster Scots agency.
They taught us how to do highland dancing, told us about and let us hear the bagpipes and the lambeg drum.
We are looking forward to learning a bit about Irish culture after Christmas.
40th posters here
P2 made colourful fireworks using toilet roll tubes and paint.
P3 made diva lamps. Hindus light candles in their homes to celebrate the story of Rama and Sita.
Mrs Watson's P4 class made a Diwali treasure hunt in the woodlands for the classes to enjoy. It spelled out 'Happy Diwali'.
P4 did some research into Diwali.
P5 made stunning rangoli patterns in the woodland! Beautiful!
P7 made diva wreathes
Harvest Assembly 2021
Mr McDaid held a very interesting assembly with the key satge 2 children for harvest. He talked about how important harvest is and what it means.
He talked about seeds and played a game to see if children could guess what would grow from a seed that he displayed on the screen via a microscope.
He talked about how once the children were seeds and how they have grown and asked a few children what they want to be when they grow up.
The school would just like to thank all the parents and staff for their generous contributions to the harvest table. Mr McDaid explained that these donations will now go from our table to another table of a family who are less fortunate than us through the Peoples Kitchen Organisation.
People's kitchen collected the donations from Harvest Assembly. Thank you to all parents/carers etc who sent things in.
This year we introduced two new awards. These awards are dedicated to the spirit, vision and moral courage of two very special women who have dedicated their lives to the promotion of integrated education.
Over 40 years ago Jackie Davidson organised a meeting in her house for other parents who would be interested in opening up Belfast’s first integrated primary school. One of the parents who attended was Linda Paul.
With other parents Linda and Jackie worked tirelessly, overcoming many personal and professional challenges to find an alternative to the segregated system of primary education.
In 1985 history was made when Hazelwood Integrated Primary School opened its doors to its first pupils. Both Linda and Jackie have been working in different capacities at Hazelwood ever since.
As a tribute to their vision and dedication it is with pride that we presented the inaugural Jackie Davidson Award for the Spirt of Integration and the Linda Paul Award for Creativity to two pupils this year.
We hope that these awards will recognise the values and ethos of integration in all our pupils at Hazelwood.
A child in P7 won the Jackie Davidson award and a child in P4 won the Linda Paul Award - well done boys and girls. Jackie and Linda's families were able to attend the ceremony.
The P3 and P4 Catholic pupils made their First Penance today in school. They made their teachers and the school proud. Well done boys and girls.
We are very proud to be one of the very first integrated primary schools in Northern Ireland and we will be forever grateful to the small team of founding parents, who came together over 35 years ago to join together our divided communities.
This year marks 40 years of integration. Hazelwood is one of the first integrated primary schools established in Northern Ireland. To celebrate 40 years of integration, one of the integrated school's principals is planning to write a song that can be song at NICIE events and celebrations. To help, the pupils at Hazelwood were asked to write an answer to the prompt: 'Being part of an integrated school is important to me because...' Here is what some of our pupils had to say:
"I get to learn about other religions and whoever you are or whatever you look like, you will always be welcomed at our school." Macey, P7 "Being part of an Integrated School is important to me because it is more than a school. It is a community with lots of wonderful and different people." P5 Mrs Rodgers's class.
"To me it's important because it helps me not judge people for what they believe in and without it I probably wouldn't have my friend, who isn't the same religion as me. It also makes me feel happy that other people will feel included." Lisa, P7
"Being part of an integrated school is important because it doesn’t matter if anyone is different. It is special because anyone can come here." P2, Mrs Joyce's class.
"Integration is special. It does not matter if you're a different religion. We're all the same. We're a big family." Laura, P7
"It feels like home." Jake, P3 "It is important because we learn how to share." Lee, P1
"Integrated is what it's called. It doesn't matter about race or religion. All that matters is the size of your heart." Corey, P7
The theme for Integrated Month this year is ‘Together’ and P5 celebrated coming back together in school last week by making this beautiful bunting. â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
They have also been very busy writing pen pal letters to connect with P5 pupils from Lough View Integrated PS... we will share some pics of this project with you all when we receive our first letters.
At Hazelwood we aim to ensure that we promote the individuality of all those in our school, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender, sexuality or socio/economic background (Inclusion and Diversity Policy).
Father Cassidy from St. Gerard's parish came in to meet all the children who would be making their sacraments this year.
Grandparent’s Day
Happy Diwali
We have been learning about the festival of Diwali. It is the Hindu ‘festival of lights’ and it marks the New Year in India. Below is a display of some of the work the classes did to celebrate Diwali.
P3 made colourful paper diva lamps, P5 decorated paper plates with bright Rangoli patterns and had a try at some henna hand art. There was also a trail of glitter coming from one of the P7 classrooms.....
A big thank you to Miss O'Hagan too for working with a group outside (in the pouring rain) to decorate our entrance with beautiful chalk Rangoli art!
In the reception area we also have an example of a beautiful traditional sari outfit which was donated to the school by a one if our lovely mums (mine!)
Integrated Month
As part of Integrated Month 2018, we held a cultural food celebration in the hall. Each class prepared traditional food from a particular country. Parents, family and friends of Hazelwood were invited to this celebration. Each class also completed projects based on the theme of ‘Everybody Outstanding’.
Big Small stories
Hazelwood took part in the Big Small Stories project, which aimed to capture the history behind integrated schools. As part of our contribution we archived photos from the very beginning of our school up to the present day: over 30 years of Hazelwood Integrated Primary School.
Staff training
Our staff are always aiming to both enhance the teaching and learning within our school and promote our integrated ethos. Over the last year we have had training for all staff on how to facilitate discussion within our classrooms about issues that make be contentious.
Some of our staff completed training on Anti-bias Education, which aims to empower teachers to deliver a curriculum which is unbiased in its approach.
Last academic year we also received another visit from Dr Enright, the founder of the International Forgiveness Institute. He developed a programme for schools, which teaches children about respect, inherent worth, empathy and forgiveness. It was good to see Dr. Enright again and gain a better understanding of his philosophy and the programme itself. To find out more, visit the Forgiveness Education website.
Gaelic Football