Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School



Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School       Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School         Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School        Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School       Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School       Science Week 2016 – Lisnagry National School

   During Science week the children were given the task of conducting a  science experiment at home. 

Congratulations banner with colorful confetti. Stock Vector | Adobe Stock

To every boy and girl that took part they were all amazing. 

Each Teacher had the very difficult task of choosing a winner for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

KS1 Winners

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Science Week Winning Experiments 2024

P1 Miss Nixon                             P1 Mrs Byrne                                       P2 Mrs Megarry

1st  Lava Lamp                             1st    How to make my fish swim?      1st     How to lift a large ice ball with a piece of string?

2nd How does music work?        2nd   Why do I get sick?                       2nd    How to make rainbow water with the colours?

3rd  Family fingerprints               3rd    My Eggsperiment                        3rd      Can I pop a balloon with an orange peel?

P2 Mrs Joyce                                                                                                            P3 Mrs Clark

1st   Which citrus fruit makes the best fruity volcanic eruption?                            1st   Is my dog left or right pawed?   

2nd  Why do apples start to go brown when you don't eat them quickly?          2nd  Does oil mix with water?

3rd   Can I write a secret message with lemon juice?                                              3rd   Will the volcano blast?

P3 Miss Scott                                                                            P4 Mr Lau

1st    Fire Vs Ink – Can I make writing disappear?                   1st    Can you light up food?

2nd  How many fingerprints are there in my family?              2nd   Can something be a liquid and a solid at the same time?

3rd   What makes our lungs expand and contract?                3rd   Can you grow a jelly baby?

P4 Mrs Smyth                                                                           P5 Mr Quinn

1st   Can we make an empty coke bottle fly?                          1st   How does a volcano erupt?

2nd  Can you make a lava lamp in a jar?                                  2nd  Colour Absorbtion 

3rd   What liquid cleans pennies best?                                     3rd   Can you make a milky rainbow?

 P5 Mrs Armstrong                                                                                                                        P6 Mr McQuillan

1st   Is it possible to put holes in a bag of water without the water coming out?                      1st    How does the eye work?

2nd Can I make a bouncy egg?                                                                                                          2nd   Skittles diffusion

3rd  Can you blow up a balloon without blowing it?                                                                      3rd     Electrolysis 

P6 Miss Courtney                                                 P7 Mrs Szlachta

1st   What liquids are acidic and alkaline?           1st   Does shampoo really kill bacteria?

2nd  Can a lemon work as a battery?                    2nd  Can I brainwash people by doing a magic trick?

3rd   How does density work?                                3rd   How does colour affect appetite?

P7 Mrs Breslin

1st    Can living beings survive on Saturn’s moon, Titan 

2nd   Can I make rain? 

3rd    Can I extinguish a flame with CO2?


 Congratulations banner with colorful confetti. Stock Vector | Adobe Stock


KS2 Winners


This week Our whole school took part in Science week. The children had so much fun doing their experiments in class.

Here are a list of science investigations your child might like to try but they can equally think of something different that might interest them.


Science in a Cup at Hazelwood Integrated Primary

Mrs Cochrane's class had great fun finding out how water can travel.

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Primary 4  Mrs Watson

Building the strongest castle wall using tubs. We then filled the tubs with snow to see if it made a difference.


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P3 Mrs Blair

Investigated which material would melt the ice to help free the penguin. 

We discovered that salt melted the ice the quickest.


P2 Miss Davis made bubbles machines

We learnt how bubbles are formed.  We found out that bubbles are always a circle shape and investigated how to hold a bubble without bursting it. It was a super fun, messy morning! 

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P6 Mr McQuillan

We made telephone cups and used a range of materials to see if you could hear our new assembly song. 

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Primary 3   Miss Scott

P3 investigated which material would melt ice to free the penguin. 


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P1 : Water Travel


P1 decided to investigate whether or not they could make water travel.

We used a number of cups, different food colouring and tissue.  Water was placed into the different cups and different food colouring was placed in each cup.Tissue was then used as a our travel system to allow the water to travel. We found that it took a few days but water did indeed travel and we created our own P1 rainbow.


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Science Awards Assembly

The whole school took part in Science Week at the end of May.  P1 – P7 were set a homework to come up with their own investigations.  Children were involved with problem solving and predicting and analysing.

We had an amazing assembly for the science winners and to celebrate all the hard work across the school.  P5 also performed their ‘States of Matter’ rap.  It was fab!

Hazelwood Integrated College helped us to choose the overall KS1 and KS2 winners.  A little boy from P1 explored fingerprints in his house and a P7 girl looked at snails’ shells and their patterns.  Two worthy winners.

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P5 Science facts

P2 science facts as prt of Science Week

The science winners for 2021
Awarding the winners for the science happened in class -due to COVID as there is unfortunately still no assembly in school.  The medals were given out in class by their teacher and all the pupils celebrated.

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It was the 21st year of the science assembly this year. Each class had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner. Due to COVID these children will be awarded their prizes in September assembly.  The overall winner was from P4 - well done.

There was a fantastic effort from all the children and we look forward to further celebrations in September.  
thank you to Miss Davis for all her hard work.

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Floating and sinking

Such excitement that the caterpillars are now butterflies. 


Helping to read the recipe and making a cake

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Some super P1 Science Investigations

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Mr McDaid joining P1 at the fire pit

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P1 investigating which colour of food colouring would most effectively change the colour of the flowers. 

Bug Hunt




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Measuring in the woods

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Pond Dipping

P4 linking into their bug hunt for butterflies. 
We engaged our senses, writing poems and stories about butterflies and bugs. 


Science. P5. We made compasses using a pin, magnet, cork and water. This linked to our numeracy of direction this week.

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P6 have been collecting ants and learning lots of interesting facts about their colonies and life cycle! 

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Climate Change

Electric Circuits

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Here are 10 STEM activities that you could complete on your own or with the help from your family.    This will help keep you busy and creative at home. As always we welcome any of your own ideas -  Just send your teacher a picture on Seesaw and with permission she will upload it to the school website. Happy experimenting.



  1.  Superhero Science Experiment



  1. Can you make a coin disappear?




  1. 30 Day Lego Challenge



  1. How Strong is a piece of paper?




     5.Can you make a skeleton? Can you beat a family members time?



     6.Shadow drawing. What do you notice about the shadows at different times of the day?




  1. Egg Drop Challenge - Can you design something to the protect the egg from cracking?

         You could use straws, old toilet roll tubes or brillo pads- Anything you think would work. There are plenty of

         ideas online - however with this one, I want you to come up with your own solution!



  1. Tired of being on the iPad/x-box - Why don't you design a maze for your family to complete and see who completes it in the best time.



  1. QUICK- the dinosaurs need your help to escape!  Can you find the best method for melting ice the quickest? (any toys can be frozen)




  1. Can you put pencils through a sandwich bag without it bursting?

(Testing should be carried out over a sink/ basin) A little tip- Your pencils will need to be very sharp!