Welcome to

Hazelwood Integrated Primary and Nursery School

Safeguarding Websites for Parents

Safer Internet Week February 2025

Online Scams

Message this Year - Is it Too Good to be True?

Safer Schools App

As part of Safer Internet week we are asking parents/ carers to download the Safer Schools App, if they haven't already done so.

Safer Schools NI App  is provided by the Department of Education and INEQE Safeguarding Group.

The App contains extensive age-appropriate guidance, resources, and advice on a wide variety of topics.

The Safer Schools NI App is updated with the latest news and alerts as-and-when they happen so you’ll also be in the know, in the here and now.

Below is a step by step guide on how to download and access the App.

Have you downloaded the Safer Schools App?

Safer Schools NI allows users of all ages to educate and empower themselves and those around them to stay safer on and offline.


Safer Schools App Demonstration for Parents video

Please click here


Here's how to download the App


Internet Safety Day 06th February 2024


Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

                    We had the pleasure of welcoming the PSNI into school to talk to the children about a 'Positive Internet'.                             They also explained the age certifications for a lot of the social media platforms.

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UK SAFER INTERNET CENTRE - Lots of Top Tips and Resources



DENI have recently launched a new campaign entitled "Get involved because Education Works" which promotes the value of education at home. They have developed a website for parents giving many ideas, advice and useful tips on supporting your child's early learning and education. It suggeste:

  • Ask your child what they learned at school today
  • Show an interest in their homework
  • Find fun ways to help them count
  • Read with your child and have books in the house
  • Encourage the rest of your family to get involved too!

Education works better when you get involved

The website address is



To view our latest inspection report click here

Searching for Reigistered Childcare in your local area?

Visit familysupportni.gov.uk for a quick and easy way to find information about registered childcare and related financial support.