Welcome to our school website! As you navigate your way through this site I hope that your overwhelming impression is that we are a nurturing school. I hope you see a school that offers your child opportunities to learn and to achieve – a school that develops and enriches your child through their daily experiences.
Most especially we are an Integrated school and in this environment, we talk about who we are and what we believe – we respect our own and others' cultures and backgrounds and take on the challenges that living in Northern Ireland continues to present.
Great News!
As an integrated school we are proud of our unique ethos and values. We are proud that the learning experiences that integrated schools offer, contributes to reconciling communities that for decades have been bitterly divided.
The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) offers all integrated schools an opportunity to be assessed every 5 years on their integrated status, and attain the Excellence in Integration Award.
Last Friday we were assessed by NICIE. This assessment is a rigorous evaluation of the ethos of integration across the entire school. This involved meetings with parents, pupils, teachers, classroom assistants and governors.
In addition teachers and pupils were observed in classrooms.
A significant body of evidence had to be presented to the assessors including policies, audits, planning materials etc.
This week we were informed that we were successful and we achieved the Excellence in Integration Award. We are thrilled to learn that we are the only Integrated School in N. Ireland to achieve this 3 times!
This award recognises the deep and enduring commitment Hazelwood has for the principals of Integration and a recognition of the role we play in creating reconciled communities.
It is an award for all of us to be proud of the staff, governors, parents and pupils. Special mention to Rachael Agnew who coordinated the work and preparation for the award.
We will receive a full report from NICIE in the next few weeks which we will share with you.
Thank you
Mr McDaid
Science Week - Please click here for some Science Investigation Suggestions and more information